Map of hotel

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Arras center informations
Arras center informations
Source :
Plans de stationnement Arras

Parking Arras and Hotel Moderne

- Relay car parks: more than 2,500 spaces, served by La Citadine, free shuttle, every 10 minutes, from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Saturday.

- Two underground car parks and numerous surface car parks to park all year round with or without subscription: Place Foch (near the hotel) and Grand'Place.


Parking opposite the hotel - Boulevard Faidherbe


On Boulevard Faidherbe, in Green Zone : free public parking from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. Paying for the day: 1 hour free, and €4 for the whole day.


Pay for parking at the nearest terminal. Enter your license plate number. Pay with  Blue Card or cash. Or use the Flowbird and EASY PARK app : and These applications can be used in France, in many places.


Parking area in Arras city center
Document Adobe Acrobat 437.5 KB

Urban bus network

14 lines connect the city center and its outskirts : lines from 1 to 10; line D1, D2, Actiparc and Artoipole.

 8 lines lead to the 34 peripheral and rural municipalities of the urban community : lines 11 to 18.


The Artis agency and the Urban station are located on the station square, Place Foch, 50 meters from the hotel Moderne.


La Citadine : Monday to Saturday, 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., every 10 minutes.

This free electric shuttle allows you to travel easily in the city center and to reach the station.


Network map:


Detailed timetables and complete information at:

hotel Moderne access
hotel Moderne access
Contact details
Phone +33 321 233 957

Latitude : 50.287964| Longitude : 2.781376

1 Bd Faidherbe, 62000 Arras, France

Latitude : 50.287815 | Longitude : 2.781376

Place du Maréchal Foch, 62000 Arras, France

Motorway and road

A26 motorway for Calais (112km) and Reims (164km)

A1 motorway for Lille (52km) and Paris (178km)

A1, A27, then A8 or A17 : Bruxelles (158km), Bruges (116km). Euro tunnel Shuttle at Calais (112km).

Amiens via Doullens in the Somme by N25 (1h15mn).


Daily train TGV for Paris (50mn), Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport (50mn), Londres  (via Lille 3h10mn), Lyon (2h58mn). Many local and regional rail halt in Arras.


Airport Lille-Lesquin (30mn by car) - Airport Roissy Charle de Gaulle CDG (1h15 by car or 50mn by rail).

Airport Paris Beauvais Tillé (1h35 by car) - Airport Paris Reims Vatry (2h20 by car) - Airport Bruxelles (1h45 by car 173km).

Plan Arras Gare - Boulevard Faidherbe
Plan Arras Gare - Boulevard Faidherbe
Plan - Situation - Map
Plan - Situation - Map
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